Theraworks - Supervised Visits

There are various reasons a family may be required to have supervised visitations, however, all are related to custody or guardianship concerns with a child, or a senior/ incapacitated adult.

Theraworks Therapy Services

I am a licensed social worker with over 26 years of experience with children and families. The safety and health of my patients are my top priority at Theraworks, PLLC. I created Theraworks to begin therapy with children, adults, and families.


Kym Palmer, LCSW


My name is Kimberly “Kym” Palmer. Born in Arkansas, raised all over the world as a military brat I returned back as prodigal daughter to Arkansas to graduate University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

I am a licensed social worker with over 26 years of experience with children and families. The safety and health of my patients are my top priority at Theraworks, PLLC. I created Theraworks to begin therapy with children, adults, and families. I discovered a common stressor for children and parents is DIVORCE.  50% of marriages end in divorce! This does not include those unmarried and wrestling with similar issues.


Get Started

Most of my clients find me and are in a confusing and overwhelming time in their life. I pride myself on bringing a calming, common sense approach to all encounters and believe I can help you get back to a good place. Take the time to read about our services, our process and our fees, and then take the next step to get started and let us help.

Get Started


Contact me today to get started

For Booking & Phone:  Click Here


Theraworks PLLC Connecting the dots.