Supervised Visitation

Theraworks Supervised Visitation
There are various reasons a family may be required to have supervised visitations, however, all are related to custody or guardianship concerns with a child, or a senior/ incapacitated adult.
Supervised visitation provides supervision at all times during a visitation when visiting with a parent or guardian. The supervisor to oversees the visit at all times. Therefore, the supervisor of the visit agrees to remain in the same room from beginning to the end of the visit.
Reduce your stress through an already difficult time. Let me and my team help!

Custody and Safety

Parents sometimes need to be reminded, “to love their children more than they hate their ex”.
Parents may be in the midst of a divorce or may have separated years ago, creating a gap of time or even estrangement with their loved ones. The children can feel unsafe reuniting or caught between their loyalty of the two parents. Sometimes there are pending allegations that get tied up in the courts.
Children want and need to feel safe, to be happy, and loved. During custody battles children can feel torn between parents and not or can’t speak up for themselves. This can cause anxiety, or depression, in children [worrying, nervousness, clinginess, unrest, isolation, tantrums, change of sleep or eating habits, defiance, disturbances at school and home]. Things can feel out of control!
Out of concern for the children’s welfare the court may choose a designated ad litem. The ad litem serves as an attorney for the child and for the child’s best interests. The court may appoint Guardian Ad litem if there are emotional concerns negatively influencing the children. If necessary, the court could require court ordered therapy.

Visitation can assist as a short-term solution for reunification of a parent and child OR supervision can assist with concerns a parent has with their child’s adjustment and emotional safety during visitation.
*Drop off / Supervised exchanges- When the visit is not the problem but, the 2 adult parties have conflicts interacting face to face. Therworks can meet children with parent A and walk/ monitor them until parent B arrives. The process keeps the children safe and the parents separated!

Our Visits

My team offers supervised visitations in office or offsite settings to allow for a more natural visit. We are conveniently available on weekday evenings and weekends to accommodate work and school schedules. We can pre-arrange to allow for even more flexibility for Vacation /Holiday schedules. Each visit type has separate considerations and separate fees.

Offsite visits have included the following locations:
~Home visits *must be Prescreened by an Ad Litem and/OR a Theraworks Supervisor
~Restaurants ~Walmart ~Local Library ~Parks ~picnics ~bike riding ~skating ~School functions
~Trampoline parks ~Target ~Movies ~Barnes and noble
~Children’s Museums ~Ice cream shop ~Roller skating ~Zoo

Supervisors are not to transport children, parents/guardians for offsite visits. Public Transportation is to be utilized. This requires pre-planning and payment by the parent to arrange for such transportation [Uber, Taxi, Lyft, Bus, etc].To avoid transportation fees grouping activities is suggested such as two activities in the same area.

  1. Have dinner at a restaurant then walk to window shop in the same mall.
  2. Have a picnic then play at a nearby park on their equipment or bring a ball/bike/frisbee.
  3. Have snack and walk to a nearby museum or go to a craft store.
    • Supervised Onsite office visits are available for less active options. [parent can bring books, games, music, and crafts] A large spacious conference room allows for a space to be playful while interacting. The office is wiped down prior to the office visits and a lounge and restroom area is available just outside of the conference room area.
    • Supervised Drop off / exchange services are offered to assist with transitions from one parent to another to assist in avoiding any conflicts. Drop off sites can vary from location to location. Children would be dropped off by one parent to the supervisor then the supervisor escorts the child to the other parent [or can pre-plan to wait for the parent to arrive].

When COVID-19 hit Arkansas, families were stressed on how to continue visitations if/when quarantined. We quickly shifted to secure children and parents could stay connected in a safe and supervised setting.

  • Supervised Virtual visits- supervised, monitored, and documented private video call when unable to visit face to face. Arrangements are made so we can assure a private connection.
  • Supervised phone calls- supervised, monitored, and documented are available for out of state/country contact [local phone service is provided]. Arrangements are made so we can assure a private call.

We try to accommodate and think outside the box with our visitation opportunities. SO if you have other ideas for a visit just ask!

Supervised Visitations require Preplanning and PAPERWORK. While we anticipate that your visitation experience will be a good one, it is important that Theraworks is prepared for as many contingencies as possible. We ask that each party fill out our questionnaire information. The information in the questionnaire allows both parties to provide the supervisor relevant information. The intake meeting allows for each party the opportunity to share information THEY feel the supervisor needs to know about the welfare of their child, including legal documents if applicable.

I want me and my other supervisors to be prepared as possible. It may seem irrelevant at first glance, however, it is our intention to provide safe, healthy ways for children to remain in contact with their families, and we believe this information will help us to do that.

Basic information on parents and children are required for Theraworks, PLLC as part of the Supervision intake information to stay on file.

Theraworks requires the intake paperwork be provided in advance of the supervised visits. True and correct copies of the actual Court documents or other relevant documents and other known official documents or reports are needed when court ordered. The following documents may be relevant to support the need for the supervised visitation for which Theraworks will serve as supervisor

  • Prior Decrees of Divorce or Paternity Orders or Guardianship Orders
  • Any Orders of Protection which have been issued between the visiting parties, including the underlying Petition and Affidavits outlining the facts for which the Orders of Protection were granted.
  • Restraining orders between parents/ guardians

Preparing your child

IF your child exhibits any nervousness in the days leading up to the day of the visit the following may be useful tips :

  1. Practice slow calming breathes with your child. Practice prior to the day of the visit and the day of the visit. This will be familiar to how our supervisors will assist in supporting your child during the transition into the visit.
  2. Feel free to bring a calming item [doll, stuffed animal, comfort blanket, etc].
  3. Sesame Street has some great educational videos available on anxiety/nervousness and divorced families. Sometimes it is useful knowing this is a common feeling.
  4. Model calmness for your child. Because you set the tone for the visit and your child.
  5. Staying upbeat may be the best of all tips. If they don't seem nervous then they may not be nervous. No need to get over excited about it.


Contact me today to get started

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